Jerwood Survey is a major biennial touring exhibition that presents new commissions by 10 early-career artists from across the UK, providing a distinctive snapshot of current concerns and approaches in the visual arts. Established in 2018, it responds to a vital need for artists who are still early in their careers to benefit from a supported opportunity to make new work for a group touring exhibition. Jerwood Survey spans a wide breadth of disciplines and takes a non-institutional approach by inviting leading artists to nominate the most outstanding early-career artists making work today.

Jerwood Survey III is led by Southwark Park Galleries, touring nationally in collaboration with Collective, g39 and Site Gallery, and supported by Jerwood Arts. The final selection was chosen by a panel representative of all the partners plus Jerwood Survey II artist Tako Taal. The Jerwood Survey III artists are:

Che Applewhaite (nominated by Sin Wai Kin), Aqsa Arif (nominated by Alberta Whittle), MV Brown (nominated by Hanna Tuulikki), Philippa Brown (nominated by Davida Hewlett), Alliyah Enyo (nominated by Hanna Tuulikki), Sam Keelan (nominated by Lindsey Mendick), Paul Nataraj (nominated by Nicola Singh), Ciarán Ó Dochartaigh (nominated by Locky Morris), Ebun Sodipo (nominated by Evan Ifekoya & Sin Wai Kin) and Kandace Siobhan Walker (nominated by gentle/radical).

This third edition of Jerwood Survey introduces new partnerships and continues to build on the partners’ specialist knowledge and experience of working with early-career artists across artforms. As lead partner for Jerwood Survey III, Southwark Park Galleries will support the selected artists to develop their commissions over 9-months, curate the premiere presentation of the exhibition and produce a unique catalogue with new writing commissions. As in previous iterations, all exhibiting artists will be funded to attend previews and events at each partner venue, expanding their networks across different parts of the UK and developing new dialogues as a peer group.

Tour Dates

Southwark Park Galleries, London 6 April – 23 June 2024 (Preview 5 April)
g39, Cardiff 13 July – 7 September 2024
Site Gallery, Sheffield 27 September 2024 – 26 January 2025
Collective, Edinburgh 28 February – 4 May 2025

Aqsa Arif, selected artist:

“I am absolutely delighted to be part of the remarkable selection of artists in Jerwood Survey III. Having my work showcased on a national scale at this calibre represents a significant step in my artistic journey and I’m looking forward to refining my work to inhabit these four distinct gallery spaces.”

Alliyah Enyo, selected artist:

“I feel incredibly honoured to be a part of this roster of artists and an organisation which has already displayed such integrity. This commission is giving me time to really focus on the development of my current research which explores my science fiction story ‘Aphotic Archaeology’. I am thrilled to be given the time to dive deeper into the details of this story and how this body of work can function as a vessel for discovering queer ecological perspectives and forgotten archaeological histories… It’s great to feel a sense of new connections that have begun to take shape already, and to feel a part of this community of creative artists and arts workers.”

Paul Nataraj, selected artist:

“I am blown away to be part of Jerwood Survey III. I feel extremely honoured to have the privilege to be part of this exhibition. The gallery spaces are stunning and other artists’ work is phenomenal, so it’s extremely exciting to be working with such amazing people, and I am hugely looking forward to seeing it all come together.”

A full exhibition announcement for Jerwood Survey III will be made in early 2024.

Please download the full press release here (Welsh translation here).