Tangled dry roots in soil.

Podcast // Lockdown Elevenses with Rebecca Lennon

 For those of you that have listened to Episode 1 // Lockdown Elevenses with Fani Parali, you will know that in this series we catch up with the brilliant artists in our upcoming programme and ask them a bunch of questions

Red and teal watercolour painting closeup with Podcast overlaid in text

Podcast // Lockdown Elevenses with Fani Parali

In our new series Lockdown Elevenses, we catch up with the brilliant artists in our upcoming programme and ask them a bunch of questions to find out how they are making work, keeping their heads during these weird woolly times of isolation

Watch // John Walter in conversation with Jonathan P. Watts

For the finissage of John Walter’s exhibition CAPSID (May – July 2018), Southwark Park Galleries (formerly CGP London) hosted an in conversation with John Walter and writer Jonathan P. Watts. In this, they discuss the representation of viruses in art and how