What's on   //  Outdoors

Our Supporters

Thank you to all our supporters

Core Funders

Arts Council England

Project and Exhibition Supporters

Art Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund
Paul & Louise Cooke Endowment
Alan and Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund
Lord & Lady Stevenson
Breckman & Company
Henry Moore Foundation
Pro Helvetia
Omni Colour

Project Partners

Royal College of Art
Matt’s Gallery
Camberwell College of Art
Corali Dance Company
LUX Moving Image 
Outside In 
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop 
Autograph ABP
Architectural Association
Blain | Southern
Animate Projects
London Bubble Theatre 
The Bothy Project 

Ada’s Circle

Sarah Pickstone
Reine Okuliar
Marcelle Joseph
Eliza Bonham Carter

Learning Programme Supporters

Community Council Fund
Ernest Cook Trust
Amicable Society in Rotherhithe
Finnis Scott Trust
Charterhouse Southwark
Southwark Council
Thames Water
The Peter Minet Trust
City Bridge Trust
Team London Bridge
Newcomen Collett
Age UK
Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co
Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity
North Southwark Environment Trust
Capital Growth
St Olave’s United Charity
United St Savior’s Charity
Heritage Lottery Fund, the National Lottery
European Commission LLP

Corporate Partners

Big Drop Brewing Co.

Design  //  Long Story Short