We have been running free gardening drop-in sessions since 2009 in our beautiful, award-winning Community Allotment situated in the gallery courtyard after a hiatus following our redevelopment of the garden we are very happy to have the sessions back thanks to support from Southwark Council’s Community Fund.
In Our Family Allotment Club (runs between Spring – Autumn) join us every between 10am and 12pm in our beautiful garden, to grow together. You can expect to grow and harvest food, do some planting, take care of seedlings that you can also grow at home, have fun exploring bugs and get stuck into craft activities. There will be something new to do every week.
We also partner with local and national organisations providing bespoke workshops for the wider community including Age UK, BOSCO Centre for Young People, Riverside Parents Group and the Rotherhithe Family Centre.
To find out more please contact
We would like to say a big thank you to all of our supporters of our allotment club over the years because, with your help, our allotment won first place in the public vote for funding from Tesco’s bags of help initiative in 2016. This funding enabled vital access improvements to the allotment within our beautiful gallery garden.
Tesco teamed up with groundwork to launch its bags of help initiative across England and Wales. The scheme has seen three community groups and projects in each region awarded grants of £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 – all raised from the 5p bag charge. Bags of help offers community groups and projects in each of Tesco’s 390 regions across the UK a share of revenue generated from the five pence charge levied on single-use carrier bags. The public voted in store to decide which local groups should receive the £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 awards.
“A brilliant project, my daughter has harvested root vegetables and made a smoothie with them at home, learning that food comes from the ground rather than the supermarket”.
“What a wonderful idea, just what children need in a city”
“Brilliant Idea for kids to get busy and learn that veg does not grow in supermarkets! Makes mums life more interesting too”